Volker Metzing, Querstraße 28, 04435 Schkeuditz, Germany
Bank: Commerzbank, bank code: 0282 6824 00, bank account: 860 400 00
IBAN: DE43 8604 0000 0282 6824 00, SWIFT-BIC: COBADEFF


please fill with printed letters,      please mark with a cross if necessary

Herewith I call for membership in the Orchidcover Collectors Club e. V. (OCC)

beginning from .........................

I promise to pay the annual fee until March 31 for the current year or within three month after joining.

I want to otain the OCC-journal in german or english

surname: ................................................................ first name: ........................................

date of birth (free): ...............................................

street + no.: ...........................................................

postcode + residence: ........................................... country: ............................................

telephone number: ................................................

e-mail: ...................................................................

I collect the following issues with the theme "orchid".
postage stamps
(all orchids)
    first day covers (FDC)    
postage stamps (European orchids)   postmarks  
postal stationeries   telegrams  
miniature sheets (FDC)   phonecards  

I agree with the publication of my address my telephone number
my e-mail and my kind of collection as supplement in the OCC-journal.
Transmitting these informations to non-OCC-members is not allowed.

.................................................................. ..................................................................
location, date signature