
The ORCHIDeen Report issue 2 / 2024 can be read and downloaded in the password-protected area "OCC-Intern"

Note: All previous issues of the ORCHIDeen Report are accessible at the page "OCC-Intern" and can be read, downloaded there and on demand be printed out.

The general meeting of the O.C.C. 2024

On june 8, 2024, the general meeting of the O.C.C. took place in Jena. The activity report of the board and the cash report were presented. The reports were accepted by the members present and the board was relieved by unanimous decision. Finally, Dr. Gerhard Döring, Dr. Norbert Baumbach and Volker Metzing elected to the board for the next two years. The editorial advisory board and the cash auditors were also elected.

Two international stamp exhibitions
with participation of members of O.C.C.

Rank1-exhibition Germany-Brazil DeBra2024, June 27-30, 2024, Haldensleben, Germany
It was a high-level exhibition, at which were to be seen classic pieces of Brazilian philately that are extremely rarely shown in this quality and variety. Our member Horst Hücke from Berlin presented in the field of thematic philately his exhibit “Europe and its orchid worlds”. The object reached with 61 points the rating Silver-Bronze.

Rank1-exhibition of the Alpine countries Alpen-Adria 2024, September 13-15, 2024, Amberg, Germany
This exhibition of the Alpine and Adriatic countries has been taking place annually in a different country around the European Alps. From Germany are only philatelists from the state of Bavaria eligible to participate. Our member Winfried Tschirner from Hohenpeißenberg presented in the area of thematic philately its existing for many years exhibit “Wonderful World of Orchids”. The object has been exhibited many times, including at the OHABRIA 2001 in Blankenburg, the Sachsenschau 2006 in Dresden and the Alpen-Adria 2017, it has already been awarded Major Silver there.

We congratulate our members on these successes.
